Developer: Black Hole Games
Genre(s): Real-Time Strategy
Number of Players: 1-12 Players
Offline Modes: Competitive, Team Oriented
Connectivity: Local Area Network, Online
Online Modes: Competitive, Team Oriented
Online Players: 12 Players Online
Available Platforms: PC
Armies of Exigo Minimum System Requirements
CPU:1.5 GHz Intel Pentium processor or AMD Athlon processor equivalent
RAM:384 MB RAM (512 MB RAM needed for 3 or more players)
VGA:Video card with 64 MB or more memory and with chipsets of NVIDIA GeForce 3 or greater or ATI Radeon 8500 or greater
DX:DirectX(R) 9.0c or higher
OS:Windows(R) XP/Me/2000/98 SE
HDD:1.5 GB HD space
Sound:DirectX(R) 9.0c compatible sound card and speakers or headphones
Network:Minimum 56K modem for online play (Cable, DSL or faster connection needed for 3-12 players)
Gameplay Screenshots
Armies of Exigo Video Review
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